Saturday, May 19, 2012

ParaSoft C++Test --help

C++test Version (Jan 16 2007)

Copyright (C) 1998-2007 by ParaSoft Corporation

usage: cpptest [cpptest_options] [compiler_options] file...


-Zicpf , --Zinput_cpf_project

file: C++test project for testing

(ignores all additional files and


-Zocpf , --Zoutput_cpf_project

file: output C++test project

-Zdsp , --Zdsp_project file: DSP/DSW project file for

testing (ignores all additional

files and options)

-Zvcproj , --Zvcproj_project file: VC++ .NET project file for

testing (ignores all additional

files and options)

-Zdc , --Zdsp_config name: name of active configuration

for specified DSP/VCPROJ file

-Zgpj , --Zghs_project file: GHS project file for

testing (ignores all additional

files and options)

-Zmcl , --Zmake_command_line

param: command line to be used to

extract files and options,

compiler/linker executables should be

replaced with ${CPPTEST_SCAN} variable

(ie: "make CXX=\${CPPTEST_SCAN} all");

creates a new project based on

extracted files and options;

-Ztf , --Ztest_file name: file or test unit name

to test

-Zeh , --Zexport_harness name: file or test unit name

to export harness for, if empty

then harness is exported for

all files from the project

-Zrl , --Zread_logs name: file or test unit name

to read logs for, if empty

then logs are read for

all files from the project

-Ztc , --Ztest_config name: test configuration

to be used for current run

-Zpc , --Zproject_config name: project configuration

to be used in current project

-Zso , --Zsave_options file: C++test project;

adds the source file(s) and options

specified in the command-line

to the project;

creates the project if it does not

exist,else updates the existing one

-Zitc , --Zimport_test_cases

allows specifying external test

cases file to use during unit


file: test cases file or location

where .tcr files are stored

-Zito , --Zimport_test_objects

allows specifying external test

objects file to use during unit


file: test objects file or location

where .tor files are stored

-Zis , --Zimport_suppressions

import Coding Standards

Suppressions into project,

file: suppressions file

-Zrf , --Zreport_file file: file for test result output

-Zgh , --Zgenerate_html name: template file name for HTML

report generation


, --Zhtml_report_directory

dir: location of HTML report

-Zgx, --Zgenerate_xml generate XML report

, --Zxml_report_directory

dir: location of XML report

-Zpr, --Zpublish_results publish Coding Standards results

on TCM

-Zf, --Zforce force output project overwriting

if exist

-Zow {on
off}, --Zoverwrite {on
off} turning on/off report_file over-

writing (default is on)

-Zoe [quiet], --Zonly_errors [quiet] report only errors

(quiet - suppresses success

message on no errors/violations)

-Zq, --Zquiet do not generate test results

-Zvm, --Zverbosity_mode level: verbosity level 0 - 2

(0 disables verbose messages)

(default is 0)

-Zgrs {on
off}, --Zgrs {on
off} enable/disable GRS reporting

-Zga , --Zgrs_attribute allows specifying GRS attribute

name: must have form key=value

-Zcs, --Zcompile_source compile original user source

-Zrs, --Zreread_symbols enforce symbols re-reading

(for Unit Testing only)

-Zlc , --Zlist_config lists available configurations


-Zecf, --Zexpand_command_files Expand all options contained in

supplied command files

(aka response files)

into the command line.

This option is recommended

with -Zso.

-Znt --Zno_tests do not perform any tests

-h, --help this help

-V, --version version information
