Thursday, April 8, 2010

build cmd

Programming in C
+ Marshall

*.cc; *.h; *.c

cd /vobs/1bts_V1
cd /vobs/fw_V1

SIMENV for older release

View manager: vmgr &

serial -t 1bts70 liu
telnet 2002
serial -t 1bts71 liu
telnet 2018
serial -t 1bts72 liu
telnet 2026
serial 1bts78 liu

route add

If you want to access directly to Twiki using IE, FF on window desktop, please following these steps:

- open hosts file at folder: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc

- add this statement: btswww.nt.grp

- save and load this link for TWiki: http://btswww.nt.grp/NbgSwDevelopment/bin/login/Main, this link for load plan: http://btswww.nt.grp/NbgSwDevelopment/bin/view/ProjectManagement/WebHome

P/s: In case you don’t route to Nbg site please run this command first:

Open command line (Start -> Run -> cmd) and add the route to Nbg by command:

route -p add mask

bashrc configuration

# .bashrc

# User specific aliases and functions

# Source global definitions
[ -f /etc/bashrc ] && . /etc/bashrc

# user specific environment

# for mc, cvs, svn, ...
export EDITOR=vim

# vim and gnome-terminal have support for 256 colours in fedora 8 at least
# Note debian/ubuntu users should install the ncurses-term package to support this
export TERM=xterm-256color

# setup default search path for python modules.
# Note we add this to the 'path' in .vimrc so the gf
# command will open any .py or .h files etc. in this dir
export PYTHONPATH=~/pb.o/libs/

# change app defaults

# highlight $HOST:$PWD prompt
PS1='\[\e[1m\]\h:\w\$\[\e[0m\] '

# Don't store duplicate adjacent items in the history

# adjust settings according to current terminal window width
# which may have changed while the last command was running
# (which is a common occurance for vim/less/etc.)
# Note this is already set in /etc/bashrc on Fedora 8 at least.
shopt -s checkwinsize

# GREP_COLOR=bright yellow on black bg.
# use GREP_COLOR=7 to highlight whitespace on black terminals
# LANG=C for speed. See also:
alias grep='GREP_COLOR="1;33;40" LANG=C grep --color=auto'

alias ls="BLOCK_SIZE=\'1 ls --color=auto" #enable thousands grouping and colour
alias minicom='minicom -c on' #enable colour
alias cal='cal -3' #show 3 months by default
alias units='units -t' #terse mode
alias diff='LC_ALL=C TZ=GMT0 diff -Naur' #normalise diffs for distribution
alias lynx='lynx -force_html -width=$COLUMNS' #best settings for viewing HTML
alias links='links -force-html' #need to enable colour in config menu manually
alias xterm='xterm -fb "" -bg black -fg gray -fa "Sans Mono" -fs 10 +sb -sl 3000 -g 80x50+1+1'
alias sudo='sudo env PATH=$PATH' #work around sudo built --with-secure-path (ubuntu)
alias vim='vim -X' #don't try to contact xserver (which can hang on network issues)
alias gdb='gdb -tui' #enable the text window interface if possible

# I hate noise
set bell-style visible

# Tell less not to beep and also display colours
export LESS="-QR"

# Let me have core dumps
ulimit -c unlimited

# shortcut aliases

#just list directories
alias lld='ls -lUd */'

#what most people want from od (hexdump)
alias hd='od -Ax -tx1z -v'

# canonicalize path (including resolving symlinks)
alias realpath='readlink -f'

# make and change to a directory
md () { mkdir -p "$1" && cd "$1"; }

# quick dir listing with latest files/dirs at the bottom,
# prettify symlink arrows.
# using eval to precompute the tput sequences.
eval "
l() {
ls -lrt --color=always \"\$@\"

sed 's/ -> / $(tput bold)▪▶$(tput sgr0) /'




echo Start searching files with patterns .............

echo "Starting time: `date`"


DIRs="$SROOT/rmt_app $SROOT/oam $SROOT/hdr $SROOT/usl"

for dir in $DIRs


echo Searching in $dir ...

find $dir \( -name '*.h' -o -name '*.c' -o -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.hpp' -o -name '*.cc' -o -name '*.lh' \) -type f -exec cp -f --parents {} . \;

echo `date`


echo "Ending time: `date`"

echo Creating tarball ...

tar czf uvobs.tgz uvobs

echo Done! uvobs.tgz created.
Tags: source, Copy, bash, patterns

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Clearcase useful commands

File: $HOME/.bashrc

alias ct=/usr/atria/bin/cleartool
alias sv='/usr/atria/bin/cleartool setview'
umask 022

See more
Tags: clearcase, setview, cleartool, bashrc

Bash useful command

1. /etc/profile.       Executed automatically at login. 
2. The first file found from this list:  ̃/.bash_profile,  ̃/.bash_login, or ̃/.pro- 
file. Executed automatically at login. 
3.  ̃/.bashrc is read by every nonlogin shell. However, if invoked assh, Bash instead 
reads $ENV,for POSIX compatibility.

Filename Metacharacters 
* Match any string of zero or more characters. 
? Match any single character. 
[abc...] Match any one of the enclosed characters; a hyphen can specify a range (e.g.,a-z,A-Z,0–9).  
[!abc...] Match any character not enclosed as above. 

 ̃           Home directory of the current user. 
 ̃name Home directory of user 'name'. 
 ̃+        Current working directory ($PWD). 
 ̃-         Previous working directory ($OLDPWD).

Redirection using file descriptors 
cmd>&n         Send cmd output to file descriptor n. 
cmd m>&n     Same as previous, except that output that would normally go to file descriptor  
                         m is sent to file descriptor n instead. 
cmd>&-           Close standard output. 
cmd<&n          Take input for cmd from file descriptor n. 
cmd m<&n       Same as previous, except that input that would normally come from file
                          descriptor m comes from file descriptor n instead. 
cmd<&-            Close standard input. 
cmd<&n-         Move input file descriptor n instead of duplicating it. 
cmd>&n-        Move output file descriptor n instead of duplicating it. 
Multiple redirection 
cmd2>file       Send standard error to file standard output remains the same 
                       (e.g., the screen). 
cmd>file2>&1      Send both standard error and standard output to file. 
cmd&>file       Same as previous. Preferred form. 
cmd>&file       Same as previous. 
cmd>f1 2>f2    Send standard output to file f1 and standard error to file f2. 
cmd | tee files    Send output of cmd to standard output (usually the terminal) and 
                            to files.  
cmd 2>&1 | tee files Send standard output and error output of cmd to standard output 
                                     (usually the terminal) and to files. 

stty -a | grep erase

Create a file, /etc/inputrc for system wide use or ~/.inputrc for personal use. Actually, this is the readline initialization file, readline is a library that some programs (bash, kvt) use to read input (try bind -v to see a list of readline key and function bindings). Cut and paste the following in the file to make the Delete key delete characters under the cursor, and make Home and End work as well:

"\e[3~": delete-char
# this is actually equivalent to "\C-?": delete-char
# VT
"\e[1~": beginning-of-line
"\e[4~": end-of-line
# kvt
# rxvt and konsole (i.e. the KDE-app...)

Remove tab and spaces
sed 's/[\t]//g' test.txt > out.txt
sed 's/[\x09]//g' test.txt > out.txt

Zip and Unzip
tar cvf - filenames

gzip > file.tar.gz
gtar cvzf file.tar.gz filenames
tar -pczf uvobs.tar.gz /uvobs/1btsptf/core
gzip -cd mc- | tar xfv -

Tags: Tab, Delete. Home, End

puTTY multiple sessions

E:\Downloads\putty.exe -load "session_name"
E:\Downloads\pageant.exe E:\fullpath\private.ppk

See more (

putty with timestamp:

TimeStamp Format

specifierReplaced byExample
%aAbbreviated weekday name *Thu
%AFull weekday name *Thursday
%bAbbreviated month name *Aug
%BFull month name *August
%cDate and time representation *Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001
%dDay of the month (01-31)23
%HHour in 24h format (00-23)14
%IHour in 12h format (01-12)02
%jDay of the year (001-366)235
%mMonth as a decimal number (01-12)08
%MMinute (00-59)55
%pAM or PM designationPM
%SSecond (00-61)02
_MILMilliseconds (000-999)678
%UWeek number with the first Sunday as the first day of week one (00-53)33
%wWeekday as a decimal number with Sunday as 0 (0-6)4
%WWeek number with the first Monday as the first day of week one (00-53)34
%xDate representation *08/23/01
%XTime representation *14:55:02
%yYear, last two digits (00-99)01
%ZTimezone name or abbreviationCDT
%%% sign%

Tags: putty, secure, ssh, OpenSSH, Unix access

Monday, April 5, 2010

back up a Karaoke cd+g disk

Karaoke disks are not like your normal audio cd's. It is the graphic part that is the hardest to copy. The first thing you need is a reader and or writer that likes Karaoke discs. Alot do not.

Very few cd roms read Karaoke cd's. I have not yet found one that does. I have to use my writer to READ and write the karaoke disks. Tested models are sony CRX120/140/160 series. Most Yamaha writers plus most lite-on writers will.

Next is the sofware you need. CDRWIN is excellent software (shouldn't be saying that on a clone cd forum). However, CloneCD will do it.
