Showing posts with label csh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label csh. Show all posts

Friday, April 4, 2014

C shell basic

The C Shell recognizes the following operators, in order of precedence.

     ()       - parenthesis - change order of evaluation
     -        - unary minus/negation
     ~        - one's complement
     !        - logical negation
     %        - remainder
     /        - divide
     *        - multiply
     -        - subtract
     +        - addition
     >>       - shift right
     <<       - shift left
     >        - greater than
     <        - less than
     >=       - greater than or equal
     <=       - less than or equal
     !=       - not equal to (strings)
     ==       - equal to (strings)
     &        - bitwise AND 
     ^        - bitwise exclusive OR
     |        - bitwise inclusive OR
     &&       - logical AND
     ||       - logical OR

Ref: 1 2
