C++test Version (Jan 16 2007)
Copyright (C) 1998-2007 by ParaSoft Corporation
usage: cpptest [cpptest_options] [compiler_options] file...
file: C++test project for testing
(ignores all additional files and
file: output C++test project
testing (ignores all additional
files and options)
testing (ignores all additional
files and options)
for specified DSP/VCPROJ file
testing (ignores all additional
files and options)
-Zmcl , --Zmake_command_line
param: command line to be used to
extract files and options,
compiler/linker executables should be
replaced with ${CPPTEST_SCAN} variable
(ie: "make CXX=\${CPPTEST_SCAN} all");
creates a new project based on
extracted files and options;
to test
to export harness for, if empty
then harness is exported for
all files from the project
to read logs for, if empty
then logs are read for
all files from the project
to be used for current run
to be used in current project
adds the source file(s) and options
specified in the command-line
to the project;
creates the project if it does not
exist,else updates the existing one
allows specifying external test
cases file to use during unit
file: test cases file or location
where .tcr files are stored
allows specifying external test
objects file to use during unit
file: test objects file or location
where .tor files are stored
import Coding Standards
Suppressions into project,
file: suppressions file
report generation
dir: location of HTML report
-Zgx, --Zgenerate_xml generate XML report
dir: location of XML report
-Zpr, --Zpublish_results publish Coding Standards results
on TCM
-Zf, --Zforce force output project overwriting
if exist
-Zow {on
off}, --Zoverwrite {on
off} turning on/off report_file over-
writing (default is on)
-Zoe [quiet], --Zonly_errors [quiet] report only errors
(quiet - suppresses success
message on no errors/violations)
-Zq, --Zquiet do not generate test results
(0 disables verbose messages)
(default is 0)
-Zgrs {on
off}, --Zgrs {on
off} enable/disable GRS reporting
name: must have form key=value
-Zcs, --Zcompile_source compile original user source
-Zrs, --Zreread_symbols enforce symbols re-reading
(for Unit Testing only)
-Zlc , --Zlist_config lists available configurations
-Zecf, --Zexpand_command_files Expand all options contained in
supplied command files
(aka response files)
into the command line.
This option is recommended
with -Zso.
-Znt --Zno_tests do not perform any tests
-h, --help this help
-V, --version version information
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