Change to vspc
Run command: vspc ["from version" "to version" "fileName" [/option --longOption]]
e.g: vspc VS2008 VS2005 D:\MyPrj\TestPrj.sln /b /r
=> Convert "TestPrj" solution and "TestPrj" project files from VS2008 downto VS2005 with backup and importing references options.
More details:
Visual Studio .NET solutions converter v.0.9.3
Totally Free(tf:-) by Stoyan Damov. Modified by Nikolay Samofatov
Usage: vspc ["from version" "to version" "fileName" [/option --longOption]]
Note that conversion of .NET projects for version 2005 and 2008 is currently not supported. Native C++ projects should convert just fine between any of the above versions.
/q, --quiet Do not display anything on the console
/b, --backup Backup each converted file
/h, --hintpaths The framework version of the project references (in HintPath) is converted to the default one for the VS project (i.e. 2002 gets version v1.0.3705, 2003 gets v1.1.4322)
/w, --webprojects Convert the web applications projects, found in the solution file;
/p, --relativepaths Fix the "RelativePath" attribute to prepend ".\"
/r, --references Import references, i.e. convert
/c, --nochkclr Remove the "nochkclr.obj" dependency in the linker settings from 2002 projects, add it to 2003 projects (use the option or your project won't compile, unless you have that file)
Visual C++ 2002 (DUH!) DOES NOT support ".resx" files, and refuses to load projects with such files, so I remove them from the project files