Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Alias server name for SSH

Use file ~/.ssh/config
example content:
Host altonjuve
    User alton

Friday, March 28, 2014

tcpdump:: how to

tcpdump -i tap24 -lnXXvs0 udp port 15001
tcpdump -r /tmp/cpub -lnXXvs0 udp port 6003|less
tcpdump -i eth1 -lnXXvs0 vlan 1169 -w /tmp/12345
tcpdump -lnvs0 vlan 1169 -r /tmp/12345|less
tcpdump -lnvXvs0 vlan 1169 -r /tmp/12345|less
tcpdump  -r /tmp/1234 -lnXXvs0|strings
/550 to search 550

/usr/sbin/tcpdump -r /tmp/zzzz -ln
/usr/sbin/tcpdump -r /tmp/zzzz -ln|grep -v 20002
/usr/sbin/tcpdump -r /tmp/zzzz -ln|less
/usr/sbin/tcpdump -r /tmp/zzzz -ln tcp|less

/usr/sbin/tcpdump -r /tmp/zzzz -ln tcp|tail
tcpdump -s 0 -w /tmp/zzzz -i br13 -ln
tcpdump -i eth4 -w /tmp/abc tcp port 12345

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

strace to help debug issues

good to see: 1 2 good
Strace monitors the system calls and signals of a specific program. It is helpful when you do not have the source code and would like to debug the execution of a program. strace provides you the execution sequence of a binary from start to end.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Running UNIX shell commands from vim

To run a single UNIX command use the command:
You can start a shell from within vi and use it as you would your usual UNIX environment, then exit the shell and return to vi
To start up a shell enter the command:
The type of shell that is started is determined by the $SHELL variable. You can specify that some other shell is to be started by setting the vi shell option
Return to using vi by entering the command exit or Ctrl-D

Shell Functions

:! cmdExecutes shell command cmd; you can add these special characters to indicate:% name of current file# name of last file edited
!! cmdExecutes shell command cmd, places output in file starting at current line
:!!Executes last shell command
:r! cmdReads and inserts output from cmd
:f fileRenames current file to file
:w !cmdSends currently edited file to cmd as standard input and execute cmd
:cd dirChanges current working directory to dir
:shStarts a sub-shell (CTRL-d returns to editor)
:so fileReads and executes commands in file (file is a shell script)
!Motion_cmdSends text from current position to Motion Command to shell command cmd
!}sortSorts from current position to end of paragraph and replaces text with sorted text

Displaying vi option values

To display the current value of all options enter the command:
:set all
To display the value of those options whose values have been reset from their default enter the command:


Change an option value temporarily

To change a the value of an option temporarily:
   :set option_name
   :set option_name=value

This sets the value of the option until you quit vi.

Change an option value permanently

To make a lasting change, create a file named .exrc, containing the set commands, in your home directory. The next time you use vi these options will take effect and will remain in force until you edit the .exrcfile to change them.

You can, of course, temporarily change the value of any option.

Examples of setting vi options permanently

1. To set a number of options place the set commands in the file .exrc.
   set ic
   set number
   set sh=/usr/local/bin/Tcsh
   set wm=5
This sets vi to:
   - ignore the case of characters in searches
   - display line numbers
   - use the TC shell to execute UNIX commands
   - wrap text five characters from the right edge
     of the screen
2. Options can also be set using the environment variable EXINIT.
   setenv EXINIT 'set ic number sh=/usr/local/bin/Tcsh wm=5'
For the C and TC shell user, this sets the same options as in the example above.

If there is a .exrc file owned by you in your home directory or the current directory, vi will take its option values from this and not from the EXINIT environment variable.

Friday, November 1, 2013

hosts for facebook


Friday, October 25, 2013

winsxs folder

How to move the WinSxS (Windows Side-by-Side) folder in Win 7

Please use winsxslite

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Changing your hosts file in Vista

+ hosts

Properties | Security | Edit

# Copyright (c) 1993-2006 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
#          # source server
#              # x client host

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

Reset Windows password

Boot with CDROM installer: Repair your computer | Command Prompt |
copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\
copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe

Reboot Windows with "Shift 5 times"

net user geek MyNewPassword

Reboot with CDROM installer: Command Prompt

copy c:\sethc.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Command-Line editing mode

set -o emacs  (bash initially starts with emacs-mode, or see -noediting option for more details)
or set -o vi

emacs editing mode
+ CTRL - B: backward one character
+ CTRL - F: forward one character
+ DEL: delete one character backward
+ CTRL - D: delete one character forward

+ ESC - B: backward one word
+ ESC - F: forward one word
+ ESC - DEL: delete one word backward
+ ESC - D: delete one word forward

+ CTRL - A: Move tobeginning
+ CTRL - E: Move to end
+ CTRL - K: Kill forward to end

vi editing mode
+ h: move left one character
+ l: move right one character
+ b: move left one word
+ w: move right one word

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Copy contents to clipboard

Start | Run | shell:sendto

Create new shortcut with "location"


Monday, May 13, 2013

Firefox shortcuts:: Tips


Ctrl + Tab 

Ctrl + (1-9) 
Ctrl + 9: 

Ctrl + T  
Ctrl + N 

Ctrl + Shift + T 

Ctrl + W 

TAB Groups::

Ctrl + Shift + E 
Address & Search:

Ctrl + L 
Ctrl + K

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

DEK Technologies Headquarters

DEK Technologies Headquarters Melbourne, Australia

DEK Technologies Pty. Ltd.
Cnr Riggall St and Maldon St
Broadmeadows, VIC. 3047

Phone: +61 3 9309 1808
Fax: +61 3 9309 1878

Postal Address
P.O. Box 713
Dallas, 3047
Victoria, Australia

Friday, May 3, 2013

Mail configuration for Outlook 2007

To configure Outlook 2007 for your Gmail address:
  1. Enable POP in your email account. Don't forget to click Save Changes when you're done.
  2. Open Outlook.
  3. Click the Tools menu, and select Account Settings...
  4. On the E-mail tab, click New...
  5. If you are prompted to Choose E-mail Service, select Microsoft ExchangePOP3IMAP, or HTTP, and click Next.
  6. Fill in all necessary fields to include the following information:
  7. Your Name: Enter your name as you would like it to appear in the From: field of outgoing messages.
    Email Address: Enter your full Gmail email address ( Google Apps users, enter your full address in the
    Password: Enter your email password.
    Manually configure server settings or additional server types: Leave this option unchecked if you want to automatically configure Outlook 2007. If you want to manually configure Outlook 2007, check this box now. Google Apps users should configure manually as follows.
    Enter name, email address, and password
  8. Click Next. If you are configuring Outlook 2007 automatically, you're done! Just click Finish.
  9. Successful Configuration
  10. If you are configuring Outlook 2007 manually, select Internet E-mail and click Next.
  11. Verify your User Information, and enter the following additional information:
  12. Server Information
    Account Type: POP3
    Incoming mail server: (Google Apps users, enter the server names provided, don't add your domain name in these steps)
    Outgoing mail server (SMTP):
    Logon Information
    User Name: Enter your Gmail username (including Google Apps users, enter your full address in the format
    Password: Enter your email password.
    Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA): Leave this option unchecked.
    Account Settings
  13. Click the More Settings... button, and select the Outgoing Server tab.
  14. Check the box next to My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication and select Use same settings as my incoming mail server.
  15. Outgoing Server Tab
  16. Click the Advanced tab, and check the box next to This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL) under Incoming Server (POP3).
  17. In the Outgoing server (SMTP) box, enter 587, and select TLS from the drop-down menu next to Use the following type of encrypted connection:.
  18. Advanced Tab
  19. Click OK.
  20. Click Test Account Settings... After receiving 'Congratulations! All tests completed successfully', click Close.
  21. Click Next, and then click Finish.
Congratulations! You're done configuring your client to send and retrieve Gmail messages.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


In computingregsvr32 (Microsoft Register Server) is a command-line utility in Microsoft Windows operating systems for registering and unregistering DLLs and ActiveX controls in the Windows Registry.
To be used with regsvr32, a DLL must export the functions DllRegisterServer and DllUnregisterServer.

regsvr32 shmedia.dll for registering a file
regsvr32 /u shmedia.dll for unregistering a file
If another copy of shmedia.dll exists in the system search path, regsvr32 may choose that copy instead of the one in the current directory. This problem can usually be solved by specifying a full path (e.g., c:\windows\system32\shmedia.dll) or using the following syntax:
regsvr32 .\shmedia.dll

Thursday, April 18, 2013

"Send To" menu context in Windows

Windows | Run | shell:sendto

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explore

  • Create a new DWORD (32-bit) value named NoDrivesInSendToMenu
  • Double-click NoDrivesInSendToMenu and set its value data to 1

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Send To. 
  ---> Just delete the ones you don't use.

Friday, April 12, 2013


28022013 Project: See

Project Description
- Collect tips and tricks C/C++ programming languages
- Shell scripts i.e: Bash, C shell
- Testing Codeplex purpose only

git config --global "altonjuve"
git config --global ""
------ just for backup::: git clone CodePlex

git add cbf.bash
git commit -m "cbf.bash"
git add
git commit -m "add"

git add
git commit -m "add"

git add
git commit -m "add"

git add
git commit -m "add"

git add
git commit -m "add"

git add

git commit -m "my first commit to CodePlex"
git push origin master

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thread safe programming

There are several ways in which a function can be thread safe.
It can be reentrant. This means that a function has no state, and does not touch any global or static variables, so it can be called from multiple threads simultaneously. The term comes from allowing one thread to enter the function while another thread is already inside it.
It can have a critical section. This term gets thrown around a lot, but frankly I prefer critical data. A critical section occurs any time your code touches data that is shared across multiple threads. So I prefer to put the focus on that critical data.
If you use a mutex properly, you can synchronize access to the critical data, properly protecting from thread unsafe modifications. Mutexes and Locks are very useful, but with great power comes great responsibility. You must not lock the same mutex twice within the same thread (that is a self-deadlock). You must be careful if you acquire more than one mutex, as it increases your risk for deadlock. You must consistently protect your data with mutexes.
If all of your functions are thread safe, and all of your shared data properly protected, your application should be thread safe.
As Crazy Eddie said, this is a huge subject. I recommend reading up on boost threads, and using them accordingly.
low-level caveat: compilers can reorder statements, which can break thread safety. With multiple cores, each core has its own cache, and you need to properly sync the caches to have thread safety. Also, even if the compiler doesn't reorder statements, the hardware might. So, full, guaranteed thread safety isn't actually possible today. You can get 99.99% of the way there though, and work is being done with compiler vendors and cpu makers to fix this lingering caveat.
Anyway, if you're looking for a checklist to make a class thread-safe:
  • Identify any data that is shared across threads (if you miss it, you can't protect it)
  • create a member boost::mutex m_mutex and use it whenever you try to access that shared member data (ideally the shared data is private to the class, so you can be more certain that you're protecting it properly).
  • clean up globals. Globals are bad anyways, and good luck trying to do anything thread-safe with globals.
  • Beware the static keyword. It's actually not thread safe. So if you're trying to do a singleton, it won't work right.
  • Beware the Double-Checked Lock Paradigm. Most people who use it get it wrong in some subtle ways, and it's prone to breakage by the low-level caveat.
That's an incomplete checklist. I'll add more if I think of it, but hopefully it's enough to get you started.

Thread safety is a computer programming concept applicable in the context of multi-threaded programs. A piece of code is thread-safe if it only manipulates shared data structures in a manner that guarantees safe execution by multiple threads at the same time. There are various strategies for making thread-safe data structures.[1][2]
A key challenge in multi-threaded programming, thread safety was not a concern for most application developers until the 1990s when operating systems began to expose multiple threads for code execution. Today, a program may execute code on several threads simultaneously in a sharedaddress space where each of those threads has access to virtually all of the memory of every other thread. Thread safety is a property that allows code to run in multi-threaded environments by re-establishing some of the correspondences between the actual flow of control and the text of the program, by means of synchronization.

Levels of thread safety

Software libraries can provide certain thread-safety guarantees. For example, concurrent reads might be guaranteed to be thread-safe, but concurrent writes might not be. Whether or not a program using such a library is thread-safe depends on whether it uses the library in a manner consistent with those guarantees.
Different vendors use slightly different terminology for thread-safety:[3][4][5][6]
  • Thread safe: Implementation is guaranteed to be free of race conditions when accessed by multiple threads simultaneously.
  • Conditionally safe: Different threads can access different objects simultaneously, and access to shared data is protected from race conditions.
  • Not thread safe: Code should not be accessed simultaneously by different threads.
Thread safety guarantees usually also include design steps to prevent or limit the risk of different forms of deadlocks, as well as optimizations to maximize concurrent performance. However, deadlock-free guarantees can not always be given, since deadlocks can be caused by callbacks and violation of architectural layering independent of the library itself.

[edit]Implementation approaches

There are a several approaches for avoiding race conditions to achieve thread safety. The first class of approaches focuses on avoiding shared state, and includes:
Writing code in such a way that it can be partially executed by a thread, reexecuted by the same thread or simultaneously executed by another thread and still correctly complete the original execution. This requires the saving of state information in variables local to each execution, usually on a stack, instead of in static or global variables or other non-local state. All non-local state must be accessed through atomic operations and the data-structures must also be reentrant.
Thread-local storage 
Variables are localized so that each thread has its own private copy. These variables retain their values across subroutine and other code boundaries, and are thread-safe since they are local to each thread, even though the code which accesses them might be executed simultaneously by another thread.
The second class of approaches are synchronization-related, and are used in situations where shared state cannot be avoided:
Mutual exclusion
Access to shared data is serialized using mechanisms that ensure only one thread reads or writes to the shared data at any time. Incorporation of mutal exclusion needs to be well thought out, since improper usage can lead to side-effects like deadlockslivelocks and resource starvation.
Atomic operations 
Shared data are accessed by using atomic operations which cannot be interrupted by other threads. This usually requires using special machine language instructions, which might be available in a runtime library. Since the operations are atomic, the shared data are always kept in a valid state, no matter how other threads access it. Atomic operations form the basis of many thread locking mechanisms, and are used to implement mutual exclusion primitives.
Immutable objects 
The state of an object cannot be changed after construction. This implies that only read-only data is shared and inherent thread safety. Mutable (non-const) operations can then be implemented in such a way that they create new objects instead of modifying existing ones. This approach is used by the string implementations in Java, C# and python.[7]


In the following piece of C code, the function is thread-safe, but not reentrant:
int increment_counter ()
        static int counter = 0;
        static pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
        // only allow one thread to increment at a time
        // store value before any other threads increment it further
        int result = counter;   
        return result;
In the above, increment_counter can be called by different threads without any problem since a mutex is used to synchronize all access to the shared counter variable. But if the function is used in a reentrant interrupt handler and a second interrupt arises inside the function, the second routine will hang forever. As interrupt servicing can disable other interrupts, the whole system could suffer.
The same function can be implemented to be both thread-safe and reentrant using the lock-free atomics in C++11:
int increment_counter ()
        static std::atomic<int> counter(0);
        // increment is guaranteed to be done atomically
        int result = ++counter;
        return result;

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


    723 ifneq ($(HW), 21255)
    724 ifeq ($(HW), 21240)
    726 CFLAGS_64 += -D_REENTRANT
    727 CFLAGS_64 += -wd47
    728 CFLAGS_64 += -wd69
    729 CFLAGS_64 += -wd174
    730 CFLAGS_64 += -wd271
    731 CFLAGS_64 += -wd1572
    732 endif
    733 ifeq ($(HW), 21250)
    734 CFLAGS_64 += -wd47
    735 CFLAGS_64 += -wd101
    736 CFLAGS_64 += -wd174
    737 CFLAGS_64 += -wd271
    738 CFLAGS_64 += -wd1572
    739 endif
    740 CFLAGS_64 += -wd68
    741 CFLAGS_64 += -wd167
    742 CFLAGS_64 += -wd181
    743 CFLAGS_64 += -wd556
    744 ifeq ($(HW), 21240)
    745 CXXFLAGS_64 += -wd82
    746 CXXFLAGS_64 += -wd69
    747 CXXFLAGS_64 += -wd271
    748 CXXFLAGS_64 += -wd181
    749 endif
    750 ifeq ($(HW), 21250)
    751 CXXFLAGS_64 += -wd82
    752 CXXFLAGS_64 += -wd69
    753 endif
    754 CXXFLAGS_64 += -wd68
    755 CXXFLAGS_64 += -wd181
    756 CXXFLAGS_64 += -wd411
    757 else
    758 CFLAGS_64 += -Wno-unused
    759 CFLAGS_64 += -Wno-implicit
    760 CFLAGS_64 += -Wno-redundant-decls
    761 CFLAGS_64 += -Wno-sign-compare
    762 CFLAGS_64 += -Wno-format-extra-args
    763 CFLAGS_64 += -Wno-format
    764 CFLAGS_64 += -Wno-uninitialized
    765 CFLAGS_64 += -Wno-missing-field-initializers
    766 CFLAGS_64 += -Wno-conversion
    767 endif
