Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Function call order

The value of an expression shall be the same under any order of evaluation that the standard permits (misra2004_12_2_4_FunctionsCallOrder.rule)


"Apart from a few operators (notably the function call operator (), &&, , ?: and , (comma)) the order in which sub-expressions are evaluated is unspecified and can vary. This means that no reliance can be placed on the order of evaluation of sub-expressions, and in particular no reliance can be placed on the order in which side effects occur. Those points in the evaluation of an expression at which all previous side effects can be guaranteed to have taken place are called “sequence points”. Sequence points and side effects are described in sections, 6.3 and 6.6 of ISO 9899:1990 [2].

Note that the order of evaluation problem is not solved by the use of parentheses, as this is not a precedence issue." "Functions may have additional effects when they are called (e.g. modifying some global data). Dependence on order of evaluation could be avoided by invoking the function prior to the expression that uses it, making use of a temporary variable for the value.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Avoid indexing pointer

Array indexing shall be the only allowed form of pointer arithmetic (misra2004_17_4_AvoidIndexingPointerAsArray.rule)


"Array indexing is the only acceptable form of pointer arithmetic, because it is clearer and hence less error prone than pointer manipulation. This rule bans the explicit calculation of pointer values. Array indexing shall only be applied to objects defined as an array type. Any explicitly calculated pointer value has the potential to access unintended or invalid memory addresses. Pointers may go out of bounds of arrays or structures, or may even point to effectively arbitrary locations."

Drawbacks: For more complex code rule may not be able to check if there is indexed pointer which points to array. For such cases the rule may report false positives.

Dev-cpp: stray '\160' in program

The message "stray '\160' in program" when building by Dev-Cpp is occurred when using "Copy and Paste" action.

So, finally, DO NOT copy and paste source code. Please type line by line.

Avoid assignment in if

Avoid assignment in if statement condition (IfAssign.rule)


This rule checks whether your code has assignment within an if statement condition. This rule is enabled by default.


Legibility and maintainability.

Assignment in the context of an if statement is easily confused with equality.


void foo(int a, int b) {

  if ( a = b ) {}  // Violation



void foo(int a, int b) {

  if ( a == b ) {} // OK


Avoid nested assignment statements

The value of an expression shall be the same under any order of evaluation that the standard permits (misra2004_12_2_5_AvoidNestedAssignment.rule)


"Apart from a few operators (notably the function call operator (), &&, , ?: and , (comma)) the order in which sub-expressions are evaluated is unspecified and can vary. This means that no reliance can be placed on the order of evaluation of sub-expressions, and in particular no reliance can be placed on the order in which side effects occur. Those points in the evaluation of an expression at which all previous side effects can be guaranteed to have taken place are called “sequence points”. Sequence points and side effects are described in sections, 6.3 and 6.6 of ISO 9899:1990 [2].

Note that the order of evaluation problem is not solved by the use of parentheses, as this is not a precedence issue."

"Assignments nested within expressions cause additional side effects. The best way to avoid any chance of this leading to a dependence on order of evaluation is to not embed assignments within expressions.

For example, the following is not recommended:

x = y = y = z / 3;

x = y = y++;"


Rule prevents evaluation of expression dependent on compiler version.


void foo( int x, int y, int z ) {

   x = y = z / 3;  // Violation


void foo( int x, int y, int z ) {
   y = z / 3;  // OK
   x = y;      // OK


MISRA-C:2004 Guidelines for the use of the C language in critical systems

Chapter 6, Section 12


Struct vs Union

A structure is a collection of items of different types; and each data item will have its own memory location.

An union allocates for each item in a shared memory location i.e., only one memory location will be shared by the data items of union. Size of union will be the size of the biggest variable.

Do not reuse typedef names

Do not reuse typedef names (misra2004_5_3_DoNotReuseTypedefNames.rule)


Typedef names shall not be reused.


Reuse of typedef names can lead to errors and confusion.


typedef int MyInt;
void foo()
 double MyInt;  /* Violation */

typedef int MyInt;
void foo()
 double MyVar;  /* OK */


MISRA-C:2004 Guidelines for the use of the C language in critical systems

Chapter 6, Section 5


Do not mix bit-fields

Do not mix bit-fields other data within the same structure (misra2004_3_5_BitFieldStructuresWithoutOtherData.rule)


It is recommended that structures should be declared specifically to hold the sets of bit fields, and do not include any other data within the same structure.


Rule prevents from the potential pitfalls and areas of implementation-defined (i.e.non-portable) behaviour.


struct message {  /* Violation */
   signed int little: 4;
   unsigned int x_set: 1;

   int size;


struct message {  /* OK */
   signed int little: 4;
   unsigned int x_set: 1;


MISRA-C:2004 Guidelines for the use of the C language in critical systems

Chapter 6, Section 3


error information shall be tested

misra2004-16_10: If a function returns error information, then that error information shall be tested


"A function (whether it is part of the standard library, a third party library or a user defined function) may provide some means of indicating the occurrence of an error. This may be via an error flag, some special return value or some other means. Whenever such a mechanism is provided by a function the calling program shall check for the indication of an error as soon as the function returns.

However, note that the checking of input values to functions is considered a more robust means of error prevention than trying to detect errors after the function has completed (see Rule 20.3). Note also that the use of errno (to return error information from functions) is clumsy and should be used with care (see Rule 20.5)."

Rules checks usage of function calls which returns int value and reports violation when this value is not assigned or checked.

Rule helps writing safety code.


int SomeFunctionReturningError( );

void foo( )  {
   SomeFunctionReturningError( );  // Violation


int SomeFunctionReturningError( );

int foo( )  {

   int x;
   x = SomeFunctionReturningError( );        // OK
   if (SomeFunctionReturningError( ));       // OK

   switch (SomeFunctionReturningError( )) {  // OK


   return SomeFunctionReturningError( );     // OK

MISRA-C:2004 Guidelines for the use of the C language in critical systems

Chapter 6, Section 16


Friday, March 19, 2010

Visual Studio Project Converter

Change to vspc folder:
Run command: vspc ["from version" "to version" "fileName" [/option --longOption]] 
e.g: vspc VS2008 VS2005 D:\MyPrj\TestPrj.sln /b /r
=> Convert "TestPrj" solution and "TestPrj" project files from VS2008 downto VS2005 with backup and importing references options.
More details:
Visual Studio .NET solutions converter v.0.9.3
Totally Free(tf:-) by Stoyan Damov. Modified by Nikolay Samofatov

Usage: vspc ["from version" "to version" "fileName" [/option --longOption]]
and : One of the following - VS2002, VS2003, VS2005 or VS2008.

Note that conversion of .NET projects for version 2005 and 2008 is currently not supported. Native C++ projects should convert just fine between any of the above versions.

: The full solution/project file path (all projects in the solution are converted automatically, and I don't think you'll want a separate option on the command line to avoid that:)


/q, --quiet Do not display anything on the console

/b, --backup Backup each converted file


/h, --hintpaths The framework version of the project references (in HintPath) is converted to the default one for the VS project (i.e. 2002 gets version v1.0.3705, 2003 gets v1.1.4322)

/w, --webprojects Convert the web applications projects, found in the solution file;


/p, --relativepaths Fix the "RelativePath" attribute to prepend ".\"

/r, --references Import references, i.e. convert , added by "Add Reference" to include the appropriate .DLLs in stdafx.h, i.e. "#using "... (if the option is missing, you'll be able to open the project, but will have to add the #using clauses by hand)

/c, --nochkclr Remove the "nochkclr.obj" dependency in the linker settings from 2002 projects, add it to 2003 projects (use the option or your project won't compile, unless you have that file)


Visual C++ 2002 (DUH!) DOES NOT support ".resx" files, and refuses to load projects with such files, so I remove them from the project files

Thursday, March 18, 2010

ParaSoft C++Test: Precompile failed

Process exited with code -1073741515

C++Test cannot see cl.exe (with Visual Studio), gcc (with Linux) and its dependencies.

How to fix:
-------- + Make sure that PATH environment is set. We can test the PATH by cmd.exe or shell (env command). Run cl.exe --version to check the path and its dependencies.
-------- + Maybe add $(INSTALL_DIR)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE if mspdb80.dll was not found by cl.exe.

Tags: -1073741515, 1073741515, C++Test, parasoft, Precompile, Error, error result, cl.exe, error code, exit code, from cl, visual studio

mspdb80.dll was not found

Set PATH environment: add more $(INSTALL_DIR)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE.
e.g: I searched and saw mspdb80.dll in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

disable the M$ C4996

In VS 2005 EE, do:

Project | Properties | Configuration properties | C/C++ | Advanced | Disable specific warning | add the value 4996.



in *.c, *.cpp

Have fun.

iPhone in Vietnam

What a smartphone!

Viettel > Vinaphone == Mobifone ?

Can I do the programing with this Apple phone?

Multi-Targeting: Vs2008 vs Vs2005

One of the big changes that VS 2008 release to support is "Multi-Targeting" - which means that Visual Studio will now support targeting multiple versions of the .NET Framework, and developers will be able to start taking advantage of the new features Visual Studio provides without having to always upgrade their existing projects and deployed applications to use a new version of the .NET Framework library.

One question is: "How to convert VS2005 to VS2008 and vice versa?" - downgrade/upgrade

get site feeds

Can I get site feeds for specific labels?Print Yes, you can! If a blog you read is using labels and also has site feeds enabled, then you can pick and choose which topics you want to subscribe to. The format for label feeds is this:


Be sure to substitute in the correct blog address for blogname and the label you're interested in for labelname. Also, don't miss the hyphen ("-") in the URL. That's not a typo!

Note that a URL of this form will only work if the blog in question is using this specific label, and has also enabled site feeds. However, no special site feed settings are necessary. As long as the basic site feed for posts is enabled (with either short or full descriptions) then label feeds will also work.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

ParaSoft C++Test: How to test

  1. Open file(s) | Open.
  2. Read Symbols: to pre-compile (PreCompiling, Preparing harness dir, Collecting lib, Collecting symbol definitions, Matching symbol definitions, Creating test driver, Done)
  3. Tests | Test Using | Configurations | Build-in | CodingStandard | Choose CRules, MustHaveRules, NiceToHaveRules, SecurityRules, ShouldHaveRules, ShouldHaveRulesWithPortability. See Coding Standards tab and output window to get information.

ParaSoft C++Test: Test Menu


# Read Symbols: Prompts C++test to parse the selected file, then represent its symbols in the Symbol tree.


# Build Test: Tells C++test to parse the selected file, read its symbols, instrument it (if necessary), then compile and link it.

# Re-read Symbols: Prompts C++test to re-parse the selected file, then refresh its symbols in the Symbol tree. This option is useful if you have changed/updated any of the source code in a file since the last test, or when there are changes in the static or dynamic libraries that are used by the project under test.

# Rebuild Test: Tells C++test to re-parse the selected file, read its symbols, instrument it (if necessary), then compile and link it. This option is useful if you have changed or updated any of the test parameters since the last test.

# Test Using: Tells C++test what Test Configuration (a predefined test scenario) you want it to run for the current test. Test Configurations are described in Selecting and Customizing Test Configurations.

# Test Configurations: Opens the Test Configurations panel, which allows you to add and modify Test Configurations. Test Configurations are described in Selecting and Customizing Test Configurations.

# Import Results: Imports coding standards analysis results from a command-line test into the C++test GUI. See Importing Command-Line Coding Standards Analysis Results to the GUI for details.

# Stop: Stops a test once it has begun. Can also stop the Read Symbols and Build Test actions.

  • Precompiling error with code -1...515: Make sure the PATH environment of compiler is correct. The C++Test cannot search the compiler sothat it cannot build source code. 

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